
F.I.T.T Principle

What is FITT & how it’ll help you achieve your body goals? FITT principle is a simple & effective technique to better align your workouts to your fitness goals. Frequency - How many workouts in a weekIntensity - The level of difficulty of the workoutTime - The length of a workoutType - What kind of exercise you do Each component of the FITT Principle is interconnected. These factors are applied keeping your personal goals in mind and will differ depending on whether your body type is mainly Ectomorph, Mesomorph or Endomorph. Contact us at to help you design a FITT technique to...

Is Weightlifting and Strength Training only for MEN??

In general, many women think lifting weights will make them bulk up leading them to lose their feminine look.  It’s a myth and NO, you won’t gain the kind of bulk a man would. Main reason being the male hormone called testosterone which is a muscle building hormone and women cannot build muscles like men because they do not have enough of it.  [mkd_blockquote text="The truth is weightlifting is for everybody, we all need muscles to make our day-to-day activities easier" title_tag="h2" width=""] The women athletes you may have seen, who have developed more muscles, have undergone many special training sessions with heavy...